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Paola Micara Watten

PaolaMicaraWattenPaola Micara Watten is an Italian citizen married to a Norwegian attorney, residing north of Rome.She has majored in languages and modern literature and is fluent in several languages.

She has initiated her Boxer breeding in Norway in 1975 under the kennel name "Watwald", followed by pugs. She also started there her judging schooling .


Back in Italy Paola continued her canine activity primarily in the national Boxer club where she served for many years as vice-president,editor of the Italian bulletin, heading the offices of breed selection and utility.She personally trained her boxers to the top working honours.

She concentrated lately on gr.2,9,and a part of the tenth, breeding some of the major breeds of these groups and subsequently judging at the major Specialties and Champioships all over the world.

Paola has also been for a period Vice-President in ATIBOX.

Paola is still an active breeder,employing the mayor continental bloodlines. Her capability to judge in numerous languages has given her the opportunity to make extensive international contacts and friends. Her vast experience has also made her a treasured speaker and author of important breed issues.

More recently she has at home a fascinating,enchanting breed such as Chinese crested dog that keeps her company while writing an important book of memories!

Paola Micara Watten

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Saturday the 22nd - Klint & Klant Konsult.