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fabrizio-censiFabrizio Censi, Italien

International Judge Specialyst of the II Group F.C.I., breeder and impassioned of the race, lives to Perugia (Italy) where breed his boxers "Augusta Perusia".

Deputy President of the Kennel Club Perugia (ENCI).

Judge of three World Championships Atibox of Beauty (editions 1997-2000 and 2009).

Judge of the European Championship F.C.I. 2007 in Croazia.

He has judged numerous National Championship Shows of Boxer Club Italy, and of the respective Boxer Clubs in France, Spain, Switzerland, Holland, Hungary, Serbia, Croazia, Slovenia, Estonia, Portougal.

Judge of the Championship Show 2003 of the Midland Boxer Club in Birmingham (Great Britain).

Judge of Monographic, Special and International Shows of various races of the II Group, in a lot of European Countries.